Valeria T. Koopman
Fit For Joy - A Quest for Well Being Podcast
Jun 20, 2022
oOYes founder, Tanya Griffin, joins Valeria Koopman on "A Quest for Well Being" podcast to discuss her journey as a mother, entrepreneur and the founding and mission of oOYes,
— Formulated to rock your world, oOYes’s products combine terpenes and cannabinoids CBG (cannabigerol) and CBD (cannabidiol) with beefused tantric honey. Each oOYes product is mindfully crafted with the finest, natural ingredients; including beefused tantric honey as a key ingredient. oOYes strives to be sustainable in its production of it’s honey-based products and works with 501c3’s to donate proceeds of each sale to “Save the Bees.” While creating cannabinoid and aphrodisiac-rich products, oOYes also strives to be sustainable in its interactions with our bees and their environment. We use the bee pollen, wax and propolis from the hives to utilize the most important parts of the honey production process and produce as little waste as possible.
Valeria interviews Tanya Griffin — On her path from Colostrum to Cannabis to Cum, oOYes, founder Tanya Griffin has spent the last three decades following her dreams and doing what she loves. With a focus on women and family health, her journey started in 1995 with her stores, Kangaroo Kids, where, as a lactation consultant, she helped families with breastfeeding and parenting needs.
As her kids grew, her attention turned to plant-based medicines and building cannabis companies.
Relying on lessons learned and life lived, Tanya's energies now center on creating an ecstatic sex lifestyle brand focused on travel-centric, cannagastic, oOYes experiences.
To learn more about Tanya Griffin and her work, please visit: www.ooyes.love
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.