
Jul 18, 2022
Wisdom From The Women Leading The Cannabis Industry, With Tanya Griffin of oOYes!
Candice Georgiadis
Authority Magazine
"Change is going to come. Most successful companies/leaders will be ready to pivot at a moment’s notice."
Asa part of my series about strong women leaders in the cannabis industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tanya Griffin, CEO of oOYes!
Jul 14, 2022
Jessica Reilly
The Cannigma
Cannabis and women have a special relationship. After all, it’s only the female plants that can produce cannabinoids and grow the fat nugs responsible for getting generations of plant-lovers high and relieving various medical conditions.
With the legal market expanding across the world, it’s easier than ever for people to benefit from cannabis. And the budding industry has a rush of innovative entrepreneurs who are filling gaps in the market existing businesses didn’t know were there, particularly around women’s health.
Jul 12, 2022
oOYes! CEO Tanya Griffin Gets Intimate About Sex and Cannabis
Hannah Izer
High There!
My latest interview with the oh-so-lovely Tanya Griffin from oOYes is live! I'm so proud of this interview and I can't wait for you all to check it out!
She's such a vibe.
Tanya knows how to run with her dreams in business.
Jul 5, 2022
Better Communication Leads to Better Sex with oOYes!
Sloane Freemont
Create what you speak
The stories we tell ourselves (positive and negative) create our reality. What is the reality that you are creating? Yes, we are living in crazy and stressful times with new pressures being put on us daily. The good news is, you don’t have to succumb to this fear-fueled drama. Navigating your reality to a place of success starts with taking control of your thoughts. The Create What You Speak podcast will help you chart the path to the destination you desire (and deserve). It’s time to finally put those worn-out stories on repeat to rest once and for all.
Jun 13, 2022
Tanya Griffin
Lora Dicarlo
It is well known, especially for women, that sex is as much about the brain as it is the body. Showing up and staying present can not only induce prolonged sexual pleasure, but it can also lead to an incredible orgasm.
Jun 5, 2022
ooYes Infuses Cannabinoids (And Fun) Into Their Sex Products
Joey Mills
Pop Goes the Culture
Looking to add some fun to the bedroom? ooYes is the latest company to jump on the cannabis-infused product train with their line of sex aids. To help you determine which products might be right for you, visitors can start their journey by taking a 100 question quiz on the ooYes website. The quiz can be taken solo or completed together with your partner to get a good mix for your situation.
May 3, 2022
Cannabis Meets Sex: oOYes Launches 8 Products With A 'Sex, Drugs And Rock 'n Roll Vibe'
Javier Hasse
To celebrate Spring, oOYes Inc. has launched a "cannagasmic, travel-centric, ecstatic" sex brand.
Created by women, for everyone, oOYes is sex-forward, experience-driven and designed to open communication while delivering a "cannagasm" for under $25.
Dec 7, 2021
New Products On The Sexual Wellness Scene
Clair McCormack
Beauty Independent
The sexual wellness segment is still emerging, but it’s also maturing. As the lube market gets saturated and adults’ sex toy boxes overflow with tools of pleasure, companies continue to unleash new multipurpose, healing and increasingly risqué offerings. As ever, independent brands are creating compelling products. Here are five recent sexual wellness launches that excited us and will surely excite others.