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Shame, Shame, Shame on Female Pleasure

As we roll into Valentine’s Day I thought it apt to discuss the shaming of female pleasure while turning this article on its head by including a “how to” for rewarding your favorite ‘disco stick’ with the gift of enthusiastic fellatio. 

Why focus on fellatio? Why not? From what I can see it is far more appreciated than female pleasure. Censorship is so often a one way street. So for this post I decided to lean in and appeal to what society’s digital censors and A.I. bots deem acceptable for public consumption, i.e. solving critical problems around male pleasure and E.D. 

Don’t worry ladies, I got you! We will be digging into cunnilingus but, for now, who needs a Valentine’s card when we can focus our attention on helping our male partners dial in oOrgasmic pleasure. 

As the founder of oOYes, an ecstatic pleasure brand that navigates the intersection of sex and drugs, I can tell you that navigating the conversation and shame around female pleasure is more than a challenge. 

We are blind to what is admissible language, we post and wait to see what may be acceptable or not, what is deemed education or just more hyper sexualization. In this digital landscape we are shadow banned, unilaterally censored and ripped from the public discourse.

Unless of course you are a comedian or happen to stumble upon a “hawk tuah” one-liner that goes viral. Here we lean in on free speech which, now, conveniently doubles as sex education for all. 

If you are a sex therapist or sex tech company censorship is what you live and breathe. You must reach the public through careful disguises, adulterated words and dances around language that renders the content silly and sophomoric. This all with the hope that you can break through the noise and bring viewers back to your siloed communities and share your voice directly on company website, pod, blog, subscriber emails, and events. While platforms like Linkedin and Substack allow for adult conversations we must still white knuckle our way thru, hoping content does not cross the impenetrable, digital censorship walls.

Censorship is selective, not only between genders, but platforms. You can have a conversation on Reddit but not as a business. If you're Emily Morse @SexwithEmily, a celebrity or comedian your voice can work around censorship and conversations and education can break through. Unfortunately, this is for a select few as we have deemed these subjects TABOO. 

It seems we are still not ready to allow women the right to own our sexuality and certainly not talk openly about it. I get it. With this vulnerability comes power.  The power to practice pleasure, the power to be sensual, sexual humans, and the power to manage our health and happiness. 

Please don’t get me wrong. While my focus has always been on women’s health I am a big fan of fellatio and happy to indulge male pleasure, especially when reciprocated. Having said that it is female pleasure that needs the strongest voice.

First, my assumption has been proven true, that male pleasure is acceptable and can find its way through censorship, and second, why not, sensual pleasure is not only about receiving but giving. It is about freeing the mind and opening communication so that vulnerability and pleasure can be prioritized. 

So, in keeping with tradition, on your knees ladies! Give that Disco Stick what they rightly deserve this Hallmark Holiday. 

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